Back pain

Back pain, we analyze the causes, types, and methods of therapy

What is common back pain?

Back pain. If back pain can be associated with a certain action, such as improper lifting or twisting in the back, and if the pain goes away within 72 hours after resting and applying ice, there is usually nothing to worry about. However, if the pain increases gradually, appears suddenly or does not go away, it is possible that you have a more serious disease.

Lower back pain and back pain
Lower back pain and back pain

What kind of back pain are there?

Back pain of any kind can be acute or chronic. If the pain is acute, the symptoms are usually sudden and temporary. However, in chronic cases, the pain returns regularly, over time, and sometimes unpredictably and can make daily life and work difficult.

What is the symptom of pain in the upper back?

Common causes of upper back pain are associated with inflammation and micro-tears of the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the upper back or arthritis, herniated discs, vertebral stenosis or displacement of the thoracic or cervical spine.

What are the 3 main causes of back pain?

Common causes of back pain include muscle tension, disc damage, and certain diseases such as scoliosis and osteoporosis. Treatment options include the use of a warm or cold compress, acupuncture, and medications. Back pain can be the result of injury, physical activity, and certain diseases.

Common Causes of lower back pain

  • Sprains.
  • Traumatic injury.
  • Fracture.
  • Herniated disc.
  • Sciatica.
  • Spinal canal stenosis of the lumbar spine.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Scoliosis.

Can the liver cause?

Yes, it can. Liver pain can be felt in the upper abdomen, on the right side, as well as in the back and right shoulder. The pain may be dull and nonspecific, but it can also be severe. A healthy liver helps the body fight infections, cleanses the blood and plays a role in metabolism.

What causes back pain in a woman?

Various factors can cause lower back pain in women. Although some causes are common to all genders, conditions and factors directly related to lower back pain in women include menstrual pain, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroids, pregnancy-related back pain, ovarian cysts, and adenomyosis.

Can a lack of estrogen cause?

Estrogen deficiency, which occurs in more than 50% of perimenopausal women (just before menopause), is closely associated with a decrease in bone mineral density and increased musculoskeletal pain. Women with severe menopause symptoms are more likely to suffer from chronic back pain.

As other symptoms of menopause increase, you may also experience worsening or more frequent lower back pain. Other serious hormonal changes can also lead to severe or prolonged back pain. Pregnancy, for example, often causes back pain starting in the first trimester.

Which organ problem causes?

Organs that can be directly related to lower back pain include: kidneys, colon, appendix, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and reproductive organs.

Back pain in women causes
Back pain in women causes

Why does my back hurt after sleeping?

What can cause early morning back pain?
Morning back pain may be associated with an incorrect sleeping position, mattress, or pillow. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on what you are sleeping on and in what position you are sleeping. However, waking up with lower back pain may also indicate an underlying medical condition such as degenerative disc disease or fibromyalgia.

Why does the lower back hurt?

In general, osteoarthritis (the most common type of arthritis) and degenerative disc disease (natural wear of the discs of the spine) are the main cause of many types of chronic low back pain. However, lower back pain can also be caused by an accident injury and acute stress.

How to live with back pain?
How to live with back pain?

Is daily back pain normal?

Regardless of whether you think your back pain is acute or chronic, every time you experience pain that lasts for more than two weeks without any improvement in symptoms, we strongly recommend that you get the help you need.

How to reduce back pain?

The most important nine tips that will help you relieve Pain and Keep your Back Healthy:

  1. Strengthen the main muscles of the back.
  2. Do stretching every day.
  3. Avoid sitting with poor posture - with a crooked back.
  4. Walk more often.
  5. Lift any heavy weight correctly.
  6. Reduce the pressure on your back while you sleep.
  7. Keep an eye on your overweight.
  8. Quit alcohol and smoking.
  9. Take a rehabilitation course at the ARM.

What should not be done for back pain?

Do not do anything involving lifting weights or twisting your back during the first 6 weeks after the onset of pain. Do not exercise in the first days after the onset of painful sensations. After 2-3 weeks, slowly start exercising again.

Is a hot shower useful for back pain?

Research shows that it can provide short-term pain relief. A hot shower, bath or hot water bottle will help to relax tense muscles and reduce inflammation. But if you use a hot water bottle, be careful. Do not set the "high" mode and do not fall asleep with it on your skin.

How to Sleep if your Back hurts?

5 Best Sleeping Positions for Back Pain:

  1. Lying on your side in the lion or embryo position.
  2. Lying on your back in a reclining position.
  3. Lying on your side with a pillow supporting your knees.
  4. Lying on your stomach, placing a pillow under your pelvis and lower abdomen.
  5. Lying on your back with a pillow under your knees.

What is the best exercise for back pain?

You can do fairly simple but effective exercises. Back exercises for just 15 minutes of exercise per day:

  • Stretching the knees to the chest. Lie on your back, bend your knees and put your feet on the floor.
  • Rotational stretching of the lower back.
  • Exercise for the flexibility of the lower back.
  • Exercise "bridge".
  • Cat stretching.
  • Rotational stretching of the lower back while sitting.

8 stretching exercises that will help relieve tension in the lower back are:

  • Hip circles.
  • Wipers.
  • Knees to chest.
  • Stretching on one leg while lying down.
  • Pelvic slopes.
  • The Cat is A Cow.
  • A child's pose.
  • Feet up the wall.

What to drink for lower back pain and how to be treated in general?

Milk with turmeric can be a good home remedy for back pain. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder to half a cup of milk (hot/cold) and mix well. If necessary, add a little honey for sweetness. Drink this milk with turmeric at night to relieve back pain.

To restore and strengthen the health of your back: your body and your loved ones - write to us. You can also complete unique wellness and rehabilitation programs (body recovery) at the Regeneration Academy. These techniques are based on natural (natural and folk) methods of rehabilitation, healing and self-healing of the body. To choose a program, visit our website or use the feedback form.